How can you help?
Simply wear our jeans on the jeans 4 genes Day and donate some $.
In the United States of America, jeans 4 genes Day is held on Valentine’s Day of every year, but if you can’t make this date simply pick another – you can hold your fundraising activity on any day of the year!
In the Arab States, jeans 4 genes Day is to be held on 10th October of every year.
There are many ways to celebrate jeans 4 genes Day:
– you could simply wear your jeans and contribute
– purchase a jeans 4 genes badge, Teddy Bear, Coffee Mugs, Candle of
Hope, or T-shirt, from jeans 4 genes. the T-shirts and Mugs are unique, made, and printed by the Children (Angels)of jeans 4 genes.
– or you could organize some fabulous party-themed fundraising events.
It’s easy to encourage others to do the same; whether you are supporting the appeal at school, at work, or as an individual.
We have produced free tailored step-by-step fundraising guides & packs containing everything you would need (including posters, stickers, collection boxes, etc) to help you organize a jeans 4 genes Day and coordinate your participation.
Your support of the jeans 4 genes campaign will help us to improve
the lives of those affected, and /or speed up the development of
pioneering new therapies…
only together we can make a difference
join us now