Thanks to your generous support RASIT jeans 4 genes International program has made great advances in realizing its aims: public awareness, research, and prevention programs of genetic disease. We need your support to continue our mission and help the millions who live with genetic diseases and scientists.
RASIT takes its responsibility for donor dollars seriously and works to ensure every dollar is directed to priority areas that will have a real impact on patients, scientists, and public health.
Thank you for your help. You can choose from a number of easy ways to donate to the RASIT jeans 4 genes International Program. If you wish to designate your gift for a particular project choose from the list of the projects and please make mention of that when making your contribution.
Donate by Credit Card
Donate by mail:
Please send cheque/money order (payable to jeans 4 genes) to:
RASIT jeans 4 genes International,
USA: PO Box 1557, Rutherford NJ 07070.
Lebanon: Clinique du Levant; President Fouad Chehab Ave., Sin el-Fil – Lebanon
Please remember to write your name; address on the reverse of the
cheque/money order.
If you have received a jeans 4 genes fund raising pack, please complete and return the paying-in slip provided, with your reference number, name & address on the reverse of your cheque/money order.